
After a brief delay brought on by sick children and strange drama – Writey Time Theater brings you another installment of Mariel.

“We set out as I meant to go on, with Cristoph in a maid’s cradle in my chamber, and Harold in his own apartment adjoining mine. I did not think what I would do should the need arise to install a true heir among my retinue; I was too busy with my duties to give it any thought. I was yet a child myself in many ways, despite the burdens I had undertaken. I expressed this to Agnes, and was rewarded with Betsey, produced from the hamlet of Whitehall, some miles distant, on the edge of the sea. Betsey was only a few years older than I, but had already married and lost a husband, and her child only a scant year later. She was cheerful and plump with a good, steady head on her ample shoulders. She did wonders with Christoph, and while my concern had been a lack of discipline with Harold, it seemed the opposite was the truth.”

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